Voices of Resilience and Reflection
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This is a Kun V studios original program.
Unknown Speaker 0:03
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Here we go. Here
Unknown Speaker 0:15
we go. Move it. Move it. Move
Unknown Speaker 0:22
it. Next man up, let's
Unknown Speaker 0:33
go, Hello and welcome to the show. I am your host. Donovan Lee Dean, actor, author and rhythmic poet. You're now tune in to next man up portrait in motion, where the mission is to provide the essence of poetry in motion, promoting peace, love and growth for the existence of humanity and the culture. This poetry show will motivate, educate and inspire you with spoken word through cultural expression. Now let's get on with the show. This is X Men, oh, poetry in motion,
Unknown Speaker 1:05
yeah, let me chime in on this right here. Man,
Unknown Speaker 1:08
the people mission, no time by
Unknown Speaker 1:17
governments on shut down. I gotta find no hustle for right now. No bell to shakes, no sport basin dirt. Relationship is minimum wage. Hold my Lin and don't force the bay to turn me down for a lot kind of profile. They got many arrested for committing no crimes. More problems I type. More problems I don't know. One solo missions trying to solve talks the Reds do. Can barely pay the card. No online bill. Stressed out. Y'all stand tall with my head high. I refuse to kneel on welfare, on food stamps, but food prices are sky high in two weeks, though, food stamps won't be enough to get by. Workers leave a job because they own strike because the pay is low. Inflation. Spices got suicides, got pill addiction got more debt with no remission. More problems the top more problems. Give a talk. It's a human issue. I'm trying to solve more problems. It's a human issue. I'm trying to solve them. You
Unknown Speaker 2:36
nerve is
Unknown Speaker 2:39
hard. I'm trying to find a way try to copy sacred and do it.
Unknown Speaker 3:02
Go. In with a fresh mind and a pure heart. Mistakes were made. Go in with a fresh start. The emphasis is today. The uncertainty is tomorrow. I live another day that's success. Time is borrowed. Carnage is on a regular another family seek grief. Mics were cut off still to the Tennessee three were able to speak from the crying girl and dying boy slain by assault styles too many bullets to a bull. Pray for them as they attempt to fight for a law made for all, as they attempt to prevent another body to fall history that might get in the midst of infamy, they're setting aside politics for human safety, making enemies your boat can avoid the Williams your boat can avoid the may be a bull. Ain't what it gots to be unprecedented as we witness the headlines of an indictment, as the rich make more money on merch poses as victims inciting Another riot never quiet. The problem is online. More foreigners are crowding US borders like refugees after Roe v Wade reversed, more women are escaping red states like refugees, more protest industries like helpless please and dying need of open minds and clear views, so that one day, universal health care making headlines on
Unknown Speaker 4:13
CNN news never came. Now, beware of a man force bound to take the Republican God bless us, as we fight for peace on earth, as mankind kills one another to gain more turf, for drugs, for crops, for money, for urgent message, human to human, heart to heart, change Your route for a fresh start. Let's get to it. Let's get to it.
Unknown Speaker 4:47
Let the sun set easy on the days I have left, I am very unaware of the duration of my breath, and I like the ones to enjoy without a worry in the globe or the concern of a direction that no one knows. My youth is far. Behind in the physical tense but my heart remains dead with a strong innocence. I haven't got long in the blink of an eye. So let me have this as up here, off in the sky. I
Unknown Speaker 5:18
haven't got long in the blink of an eye. So let me have this is up here. Often it's
Unknown Speaker 5:29
got aware of every ratio.
Unknown Speaker 5:33
How do you love a black man from a queen to her future King? You are a king. You are the Tree of Life, the reality of my existence. You are manifested exclusively by my desire. Shelter me. Hold me close within the branches of your limbs, the eldest trees are firmly rooted and grounded in the earth. Your presence brings shade during times of extreme illumination, too much exposure will surely deflect the necessary nutrients from being absorbed by the outer layers. Allow the sensitivity and delicateness of my flower to envelop you, comfort you and nurture you. Your battle is not with me. It is within just as the small seedlings do not battle with the windstorms and rain, but absorb only what is needed for growth, for I am the gentle power surge you need reminding you to stay connected to source be that shining example of the lessons you teach so that the student may have trust and confidence in their master. For the master must always remember that he, too was once just an unfortified vessel waiting to be filled. How do you love a black woman? He watches long and they as her sundress sways in the breeze, paying close attention to the playful way her curvaceous silhouette is barely visible underneath the lightweight, almost sheer fabric, he notices her hair still in its natural state and delicately twisted like the tie backs on his mother's front room curtains. The deep bronze color of her skin reflects the warmth of the sun and complements the warm colors in her garment. He waits anxiously for the expected glimpse of her beautiful smile and desperately searches for something clever to say that could possibly encourage her to engage him in another stimulating conversation. The beaming heat of the summer sun in no way compares to the explosive chemistry between these two beautiful black souls, their unspoken desire can be felt by every living creature within a specified radius. Their telekinetic love blossoms like a calla lily ready to capture the sweet nectar of unimagined ecstasy. To be continued, The him,
Unknown Speaker 8:23
selfishly afraid. Why am I so afraid of happiness? Why am I so afraid of blackness? Why am I so afraid of madness? Why am I so afraid of fashion? Why am I so afraid of dad? Ish, now granted, daddy probably had some swag in that bag, and he held on tight to his cash, and Papa was a rolling stone with some moves like Jag, yet still, why am I so afraid of him? Why am I so afraid of them? Why am I so afraid of relationships? Bullet to the Head, holding on to the Queen's body while I collapse to my knees from her weight, because my body is slim. Why am I so afraid of the questions? Why am I so afraid to follow cultural etiquette? Why am I so selfish? But yet I can't help it. Why am I so afraid of a reflection while I self reflect the reflection. Why am I so afraid of being helpless, neglecting the pool of wellness? Why am I so afraid? Why? Why? Why? Why am I so afraid? Yet I'm not afraid to share this. Well, maybe it's because I love my feelings, maybe it's because I respect my feelings, maybe I'm just selfish. Maybe it's because I respect my feelings. I.
Unknown Speaker 10:01
Maybe I'm just selfish.
Unknown Speaker 10:17
A part of me died. Somehow I'm still living so empty and bare, and yet I keep giving. Who am I now, without definition, I'm quite a machine for a man on a mission, a drone, if you will, with full automation and under control, a program dedication. My circuit surveys with electrified cells with no breaker for breaks or vacations. Up.
Unknown Speaker 10:46
Thank you for tuning in to next man up. Portrait in motion. I am Donovan Lee Dean. Before we go, I would like to conclude with a power message to uplift each and every listener and to get you in a good headspace. It's a message about loneliness, you're now in a situation where you are alone, maybe due to death of a loved one or relationship or friendship that may have ended tragically. No worries. Utilize this moment of silence. You're now able to dive deep into your thoughts to galvanize something far more greater than you could have imagined before. Move and seek environments that suits your interests. Find routines that will deter an idle mind and allow time to guide you through as you seek a new direction. Use this moment of silence to think, to plan and fulfill your needs As a human being.
Unknown Speaker 12:02
Yeah, queen, or maybe it's like Viola woman King. Either way, she is supreme, determined. She's not letting up. She's trying to level up. Knock, knock, knock, no answer. Solution. She'll force her way in. She don't give up. She's prayed up, determined. She's paid her dues. She went by the rules, search, search, searching for clues. Steal no good news. What to do? Do you change her to level up? She tweaks her routine to adjust? You see that? No? Well, I see it the way she shows brilliance and movement slithering through those who stand still for many reasons, gallop, gallop, gallop. Days passed, mood change. She's suffering from anxiety to depression cause she's fed up being subdued by normalcy. She's had enough breakdown. There goes the tears. Palms reflect, wipe off the sweat. Pause now. She gets back up that's in her DNA to grind it out for another day. She's done her time. She's done the labor. She never asks for handouts or favors. She's done her time. She's done her labor, her effort is for the reward right now, forget later. Push for now, the money, the smiles, the joy, push for now, the victory, the toast of glasses from her and I, as we celebrate the reward together, Victory, victory.
Unknown Speaker 15:28
Days past mood change. She's suffering from anxiety to depression because she's fed up being subdued by normalcy. She's had enough breakdown, there are goals, The tears, palms, reflect, wipe off you.
Unknown Speaker 16:20
In her DNA to grind it out for another day. She's done her time. She's done the labor. She never asks for handouts or favors. She's done her time. She's done her labor, her effort is for the reward right now, forget later. Push for now, the money, the smiles, the joy, push for now the victory, the toast of glasses from her and I as we celebrate the reward together, Victory, victory victory,
Unknown Speaker 17:03
yeah, Victory, victory for so.
Unknown Speaker 17:22
Turn, your face from faking to the one who gives his grace. Slow your pace from racing, pump the brakes and show some faith. Rid your load of baggage. It's not easy making space, but that love is possibility worthy of the chase.
Unknown Speaker 17:44
And worthy of the chase.
Unknown Speaker 17:47
Here we go. Here we go. Next man up.
Unknown Speaker 17:54
The architect to build to imagine is a fashion that leads to a new beginning, placing pieces to a puzzle, isolating in this bubble can get a creative in trouble, but trouble is the only way to make a statement. To see a world only in one way, as if it were any given Sunday is a blasphemy. Hey, I'm not special. I'm just an architect taking what was once in the ground and turning it into a multiplex of ideas, of truth, of proof, to the youth that you can look into others or something. And identify you blueprints on the table. Don't mind the ink stains. My excitement leaks through the design from the screws all the way to the different colors of paint. The world that I want to build Could Kill Bill, but that's all fiction to the glorious bastard's description. The depiction of richness shifts this interest, reimagining the Invictus shiftless, empty, bottomless pitless mentality of a racist interest. I'll repeat. The depiction of richness shifts this interest, reimagining the Invictus shiftless, empty, bottomless, pitless mentality of a racist interest I invest in the contest of others to create togetherness so that we can burst through this bubble of sloppiness, so that we can kill the Inner Grim Reaper, so that we can then call upon the gods that we were birthed from and ask those gods to give us that spark, to give us that light, that torch, to give us that thing that never dies, which is more life again, guys. I. I'm nothing special. I'm just an architect ready to build something new.
Unknown Speaker 20:12
A part of me died. Somehow I'm still living so empty and bare, and yet I keep giving. Who am I now without definition, I'm quite a machine for a man on a mission, a drone, if you will, with full automation and under control, a program dedication. My circuit surveys with electrified cells with no breaker for breaks and vacations. Oh, well. Oh, well.
Unknown Speaker 20:44
A nomads eviction, stepping on the toes of my opponents. I'm on 10 because I own this I'm not wasting my time on notes or owning it in because I'm focused on the land of the living, living in the homeless, living in the land of the homeless and dreaming of a nomad living in the Land of the Lost. I'm living in the land of the cold. The coldest hearts like Jon Snow. They're frozen and letting go the fears as I let my thoughts flow like a moth to a flame like an eagle swooping down to fetch that fish like a chicken with some gravy and a biscuit, digging into my troubles, rabbit holes of trouble, so much to unpack so much luggage, undelivered cases upon cases of belonging, stored in my limited space of a mind, that red suitcase, that red suitcase full of rage and sleepless nights, constant worry of not standing up for the victims, not able to stand up to the bullies and the traumas and I can't even evict them. Why rescue the things that weigh you down? And I'm not going to rhyme right now. I'm just having a conversation with God. I'm trying to spill my soul out and replenish it at the same time. But against all odds, all eyes are on me to make a decision, staring at the empty walls of my state of the art kitchen, my sink is full of dishes and plates smashed to oblivion, decisions unwritten and all I want to do is find peace like a yoga pose, pigeon, vivid looking at what I define as success, I'm lusting after beautiful women with hopes of success. By that I hope that key accesses and she sucks what I thought was left, or what I've kept it yet I've written off materialistic jewelry. Women inherited outcomes, solutions, absolutions, nothing in my hands but the sure will and form of nerves, nothing in my heart but the blood and the good words and nothing in my mind but clarity and messages, nothing in front of me but some space, opportunity in heaven.
Unknown Speaker 23:38
Thank you for tuning in to next man, up, poetry in motion. I am Donovan Lee Dean. Before we go, I would like to conclude with a power message to uplift each and every listener and to get you in a good headspace. It's a message about problem solving. First lesson, never dwell on a problem. Some problems may have been unavoidable. Dwelling on a problem can potentially cause more problems. Just relax,
Unknown Speaker 24:09
take a breath, inhale, exhale. Now think there is an alternative or solution for this problem. Think you now realize there is a formula that you can try to resolve this problem. Test it out.
Unknown Speaker 24:34
Now you see problem solved. Thank you for tuning in to next man up. Poetry in motion. I am donnaville. D, to see and hear my rhythmic poetry instrumentals and actor reels. You can find me on YouTube at donnaville D, also, you can find my poetry books, children's books and coloring books on amazon@booksmillydine.net for actor or put bookings. You can contact me via email. DV. Media ten@gmail.com I am Donovan Lee, Dean, actor, author and rhythmic poet until next time.
Unknown Speaker 25:07
Peace. Dive,
Unknown Speaker 25:22
drive you
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
