Celebrating Humanity, Love, and Growth
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This is a Kun V studios original program.
Unknown Speaker 0:03
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:14
Here we go. Here we go. Move it. Move it. Move it. Yeah, beautiful, next man up, damn let's
Unknown Speaker 0:41
go Hello and welcome to the show. I am your host, Donovan Lee Dean, actor, author and rhythmic poet. You're now tuned in to next man up poetry in motion, where the mission is to provide the essence of poetry in motion, promoting peace, love and growth for the existence of humanity and the culture. This poetry show will motivate, educate and inspire you with spoken word through cultural expression. This show has been brought to you by as je productions, as jeproductions.com for all your filming and photography needs, you can find as je productions on Instagram or call Stuart jlz At 810-336-3926. That's 810-336-3926. Now let's get on with the show. This is next. Man up. Poetry in motion. You
Unknown Speaker 1:46
what's good world? Show your ride. Allow me to speak to you tonight for the people as I walk through God's precious playground shade cascades upon me. It's persistent. But why pause? I reflect. I go into effect. I see a bruised man who kneels from the compressions of gravity and agony. His flesh is eaten away from the air molecules by the second, soon it will eat away his muscles and tissues. Soon he'll disappear. He needs medic, but has no insurance. Paws reflect a shade that cascaded upon me four days finally goes away. A beam of light shines on both of us to highlight our moment. I offer him a smile. He reciprocates. I relieve attention in his shoulders with the palm of my hand, I give him my lunch left over from a diner two blocks down with a $10 bill inside, I have a small conversation with him that ended with an encouraging statement, stay strong, King God got you. He smiled again. Then ended our moment with a thank you. That moment made my day. That moment reassured me the fundamentals of humanity. I realized that humanity thrives with Moments like this. Thrive on you.
Unknown Speaker 4:05
Tossing and turning is harder to breathe. Deprived in my sleep is your love that I need. The day you return is the day that I leave for the final arrival. That's why I believe, from water to wine as your blood, we are blessed. The bread is your flesh. I won't settle for less. I will hunger for more on your grace. I will feed the giver of life. This is why the bread is your flesh. I want to settle for less. How
Unknown Speaker 4:42
how do you love a black man from a queen to her future King? You are a king. You are the Tree of Life, the reality of my existence. You are manifested exclusively by my desire. Air. Shelter me. Hold me close. Within the branches of your limbs, the eldest trees are firmly rooted and grounded in the earth. Your presence brings shade during times of extreme illumination, too much exposure will surely deflect the necessary nutrients from being absorbed by the outer layers allow the sensitivity and delicateness of my flower to envelop you, comfort you and nurture you. Your battle is not with me. It is within just as the small seedlings do not battle with the wind, storms and rain, but absorb only what is needed for growth. For I am the gentle power serves you need reminding you to stay connected to source be that shining example of the lessons you teach so that the student may have trust and confidence in their master. For the master must always remember that he, too was once just an unfortified vessel waiting to be filled. How do you love a black woman? He watches long and he as her sundress sways in the breeze, paying close attention to the playful way her curvaceous silhouette is barely visible underneath the lightweight, almost sheer fabric. He notices her hair still in its natural state and delicately twisted like the tiebacks on his mother's front room curtains. The Deep bronze color of her skin reflects the warmth of the sun and complements the warm colors in her garment. He waits anxiously for the expected glimpse of her beautiful smile and desperately searches for something clever to say that could possibly encourage her to engage him in another stimulating conversation the beaming heat of the summer sun in no way compares to the explosive chemistry between these two beautiful black souls. Their unspoken desire can be felt by every living creature within a specified radius. Their telekinetic love blossoms like a calla lily ready to capture the sweet nectar of unimagined ecstasy. To be continued.
Unknown Speaker 7:32
Here we go. Here we go. Next. Man up. Let
Unknown Speaker 7:38
me chime in on this one right here. Man,
Unknown Speaker 7:39
Unknown Speaker 7:41
the people mission. Don't talk about it.
Unknown Speaker 7:49
Let's go governments on shut down. I gotta find no hustle for right now, no bell to shakes, no pork base sitting through inflation. There's minimum wage. Hope I'm at London. Don't force the bank to turn me down. From a lot of time to kind of profile the gap minute resting from committing no crimes. More problems I talk more about, I don't know what solo misses, trying to solve. Talk on the rest. Dude can barely pay the card, no light bill. Stressed out. Y'all stand tall with my head high. I refuse to nail on welfare, on food stamps, but food prices are sky high in two weeks, those food stamps won't be enough to get by. Workers leave a job because he on strike because the pay is low. Inflation. Spices got suicides, got pill addiction got more in debt with no remission. More problems the top more problems. It's a human issue. I'm trying to solve more problems. It's a human issue. I'm trying to solve them. Damn.
Unknown Speaker 9:01
Relationships, I want to be in love. I want to meet somebody that tickles my fancy. I want to wake up next to them every day. I want to have a conversation about nothing and everything at the same time. I want us to pick cherries and blossoms. I want us to engage with one another, physically, spiritually, mentally. I want us to intertwine like DNA. But I'm a coward, I'm a fool. I'm a fool because I am lost in the idea of what being in a relationship really means. Being in a relationship means showing up, being in a relationship means delivering. Being in a relationship means stepping back. Being in a relationship means locking in. Being in a relationship means engaging come. Completely and utterly with yourself. I want to be in love with myself. I want to give us, us free. I want to not be so hard. I want to not be so tough. I want to not push so much of myself away from myself. I want me and I and US to bond. What is it that we are afraid of? We are afraid of being ugly. We are afraid of looking deep inside of ourselves and challenging ourselves to rise above who we actually are. We are afraid to be superheroes. We are afraid to be lions, King of the jungles and roaring. We are afraid to be sensitive and caring and daring. We are afraid to be subtle and very nuanced. We are afraid to be humble, but we also afraid to be baby boy and get gully and raw and tell somebody like it really is we're afraid, we're black, we're individuals. We weren't taught to be our own individual. We were taught that all things that another man speaks are God. Are godly. Are more light. But we are light too. We shine bright. We are gold. We are the essence of love and of light. I want to be in a relationship with me. I want to be in a relationship with you. I want a relationship with life,
Unknown Speaker 11:54
but first
Unknown Speaker 11:56
you got to be in a relationship with yourself, unity. You and I, T Y, relationships.
Unknown Speaker 12:09
Thank you for tuning in to next. Man up, portrait in motion. I am Donna V d. This show is brought to you by as je productions, as jeproductions.com for all your filming and photography needs. Before we go into our second segment, I would like to uplift and impact our listeners with the first power message. It's a message about silence. Take a moment or an hour or a day of silence by turning off all tech devices, your phones, laptops, etc. Become an introvert in the moment. Find a space to be alone in solitude, to get into your thoughts. Close your eyes. Breathe, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, this moment right here can enable you to take a step back from the complexities of society. In order to take 10 steps forward, you're now able to know where to go and how to plan your life, because you're a little more focused than before. Now you're not being influenced by what's trending on social media or the opinions that may lead you astray, because now you've taken the will for your life. Now let's get on with more music, poetry. This is next. Man up, poetry in motion.
Unknown Speaker 14:02
Man men higher than you ever been, fly. Woman, fly away from back then fly, women higher than you ever been, supernatural. Woman, always with
Unknown Speaker 14:29
a superwoman, you're walking on a land mine. Feels whiskey tonight, back to back. It's sabotage. Villains make them Mars every night. Superwoman, you ain't doing nothing wrong. You're doing what's right. You're righteous. Superwoman. You are only hope. So who can be take flight to the sky.
Unknown Speaker 14:57
You a genius, a woman with talent that is different. It with incredible stress, a composition so infamous you possess DNA that creates divine specimen, stout size and muscle. You proving that you're better than the average group of devils. You beat, classified and super If you spit on your toilet, steal you ready to emerge. Cause division is clear, a mission to create positive change. Which stutter peels besides the look how married you still remain higher than you ever
Unknown Speaker 15:26
man, fly women, higher than you ever been. Super natural.
Unknown Speaker 15:33
Woman, hey, Superwoman, you're treated as, come by the Earth, as the Everest man. Hey, Superwoman, you still keep your clue never there from the plans. Hey, Superwoman, reveal the F for your chest. Hey, Superwoman, you won't go unpack the world. Go save the day. Higher than you ever been. Flywoman, by you, waving back. Then flywheel. Men, higher than you ever there.
Unknown Speaker 16:08
All right, here we go. Communicate is the name of this piece. Crisp and clean. I'm gonna let you check out the scene how my queen walked right out of my dreams. Still, it seems there was no in between. We fell in love. She had me high as a dove. I must be blessed. There's no reason to stress. I must confess before her, my life was a mess. I passed the test. Now I had to really invest nothing less. I would give the heart out my chest. You know, we the rest fertilize and eggs in her nest. Our family tree extended combinations and we unity for poisonous societies. The ant to do spirituality, venomous darts. They tried to keep us apart, but we were smart. Africa fulfills our hearts. We played our parts. Compliments from the start, no easy road. You have to work to your own keep control a love like this is untold. You never fold if you keep your heart on the goal, communicate if you want to get that date, communicate, not to make your partner irate. Communicate like every date, your very first date. Boom. You
Unknown Speaker 17:31
here we go, here we go. Next man, up.
Unknown Speaker 17:54
Drive from out of body land. Keep doing the best you can
Unknown Speaker 18:02
never think never
Unknown Speaker 18:11
we need a leader. You with vision, your paramounts Move the world, impact the next generation of a young boy and a girl. Terror is on a rise. Harness headlines throughout the land. We're in despair. Yet I'm on a peace mission, lending helping hand. I'm a novelist, and territory accompanied by corruption, life, peace, joy taken at once. Degrade abduction. I'm taking on a fight. Follow me lead, and you lead the way. Boost humanity is on us For a brighter day. Thrive. You.
Unknown Speaker 19:09
A part of me died. Somehow I'm still living so empty and bare, and yet I keep giving. Who am I now? Without definition, I'm quite a machine for a man on a mission, a drone, if you will, with full automation and under control, a program dedication, a circus surveillance with electrified cells, with no breaker for breaks and vacations,
Unknown Speaker 19:38
in My opinion, the greatest action cartoon in the world, besides Spider Man, was the X Men. And who was the most popular X Men? Everybody couldn't wait to see. Yeah, Wolverine. That dude was mean with a growl. I'll let you know he means business with biceps bulging through his yellow. X Men, uniform slash types. But you might not want to tease him about it, because he'll be like you're talking to me, and within an instant, you'll be high, telling it faster than a crackhead, tasting a high. But it wouldn't matter, because he'll catch you. And with his animanium claws, he can take on sentinels. He can take on magnetos, Hitchman take on villains of all sorts. But he always felt he still came up short. Thus he could never really take all those anti mutant groups with their picket signs designed to administer hate with words that hurts worse than a jab from juggernaut. And had it not been for his fellow mutants to offer him some encouragement, some motivation, some sense of hope for a better future, he would have given up a long time ago, but I always wonder if he would go to the X Men mansion, in his room, sit on his bed alone in the dark. I wonder if he reflects and asks himself why people hate what they don't understand constantly being called a freak. But he counterattacked that notion by considering himself a hero. But heroes are the ones that torment themselves the most. And what's worse, he can't remember his past sounds familiar, but he built a false sense of pride for his animanium skeleton, his ability to rapidly heal, but his inability to die takes him further away from his connection of being human, because he's committed suicide every time the sun settled down for slumber, but he can only stare at the crimson red waltzing down his claws caused immediately his wounds would close. The pain from his puncture is only temporary, but the pain of not knowing who he is feels like a shotgun blast to his soul, but I just want Wolverine to know I understand, and to tell him that sometimes roses do grow in dark places, and that martyrs never asked to die for this purpose, but I know he prayed to die for not understanding his but Wolverine, my brother, you're no different than us, hitting what you don't understand, trying to figure out where you came from, but here with the purpose you're not sure of, and Wolverine, I know you're not sure if there's a God, because you look at us and wonder if we're made in God's image. Whose image are mutants made? I know you feel like a clock without a craftsman. So you curse us because you feel that God showed us favor. But those people with those picket signs curse you because you favor God, because even when you're disappointed in us, you protect us. You're invincible, indestructible, Wolverine, if you only knew how much we want to be like you. Because we do everything we can to figure out ways to live longer, to heal faster. It's our inability to understand that everything comes with a price. Every gift is not wrapped in a nice box with the ribbon. Sometimes there appears and a manium claws piercing through skin, a skull that can take a bullet and a soul without a clue of its origin. Ironically, my friend, we're just like you, because you're confused on what to do, questioning your existence, confused of your purpose, sometimes wanting to die, never giving yourself a chance to see how great you can be. And that sounds familiar.
Unknown Speaker 23:16
Thank you for tuning in to next man up. Poetry in motion. I am Donna Valley D before we go, I would like to conclude with a power message to uplift each and every listener and to get you in a good headspace. It's a message about simplicity. Keep life simple for your peace, seek kind gestures, some moments to be kind, maybe out of reach, but when you see the opportunity fulfill it, it can be as simple as saying hello or asking someone, how is your day? Spark a conversation. It may lead to something unimaginable yet favorable. These moments can help a person cope with something in their life, or give hope. We're here on earth to be at peace and work with one another in order for humanity to evolve, make it count. This show has been brought to you by as je productions, as jeproductions.com for all your filming and photography needs, you can find as je productions On Instagram or call Stewart jlz At 810-336-3926. That's 81033639. 103363926, thank you for tuning in to next man up. Poetry in motion. I am Donna Valley D. To see my acting reels, you can find me on YouTube at Donna Valley D. Also you can find my poetry books, children's books and coloring books on Amazon at books by. Dean.net, for actor or poet bookings, you can contact me via email, dvmedia ten@gmail.com I am Donovan Lee, Dean, actor, author and rhythmic poet until next Time. Peace drive,
Unknown Speaker 25:22
drive you
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
