Voices of Truth: Poetry Inspires Peace, Love, and Unity
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Wesley Knight
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Donavan LeDean
Here we go, here we go, move it, move it, move it!
Donavan LeDean
Yeah. Beautiful. Next man up. Damn. Let's go. Peace and love and welcome to the show.
Donavan LeDean
I am your host, Donovan Ledean, actor, author and rhythmic poet.
Donavan LeDean
You're now tuned in to the next man up poetry in motion, where the mission is to provide the essence of poetry in motion. Promoting peace, love, and growth for the existence of humanity and the culture. This poetry show will motivate, educate, and inspire you with spoken word through cultural expression. This music poetry show has been brought to you by ASJE Productions. ASJEProductions.com for all your filming and photography needs. You can find ASJE Productions on Instagram or you can call Stuart J. Elsey at 810-336-3926.
Donavan LeDean
That's 810-336-3926. Now, let's get on with the show. This is X-Men Poetry in Motion. And you.
Donavan LeDean
And you.
Donavan LeDean
And you. This is for the people. Yeah. A new day. A new way.
Donavan LeDean
Give me harmony. Give me melody. Solution is R&B. Give me love. Give me a touch. Don't let the hype rise above causing too much.
Donavan LeDean
What do we got? Can evolve to what it can be. Let it be authentic, beyond what you can see. The effort is timeless, society is ruthless. Giving relief, the pain, together we can do this. Together we can build, together we can fulfill.
Donavan LeDean
Use your voice to add a choice, a new day, a new way. Give me love, give me a touch. Don't let the hype rise above causing too much. What we got can evolve to what it can be. Let it be authentic, beyond what you can see. The effort is timeless, society is ruthless. Giving release, the pain, together we can do this. Together we can build. Together
Donavan LeDean
we can fulfill. Use your voice to add a choice, a new day, a new way.
I like to express my truth as I hydrate your soul with poetic flows. I rise, I heal, I feel your spirit break past the empathetic waters to your essence. You know you're great. The world is late at your recognition but not I. I dignify you and I vibrate how you do. I meditate with roots and see seeds sprout.
We trees in the eyes of God and I'm God in the eyes of myself. Self love is the epitome of happiness. You are blessed and let knowledge be your lessons. Third eye questioning and everything just manifesting in your presence. I move forward broken pieces cause I shine bright like the glorious sun in the summertime. I'm feeling mighty fine with my rhymes.
Words embody the growth of your spirit. Can you feel it? That's the vulnerability talking.
Walls coming down.
I see your soul cry. Get high in tune, just like rain splatters at your edge. Let the tears guide you to streams of successes. You're the best ever yet. To become better than your mama. Make her proud.
Weigh your crown loud. Speak both volumes of wisdom, because the kids listening. Can you see the broken homes in their eyes? Communities dying. The paper's lying, but stay true. Picking promises to contracts.
Bring black back. Perpetrating from those you appropriate. Ain't that crazy? Remember where you came from. Your past and your future is unison in the face of the present. Make it fierce into blessings. I speak for those who voice got lost in the wind. I hear your song, you're not wrong. United in being more than a statistic. Shaking my body for riches ain't my vibe. I mellow to badu and light my shades, old age, young spirit, I know better
I write poems to my ancestors to let them know I got them And affirm they abundance, I skip bars from my hood Spread love, it's the Brooklyn way, bigs in my spirit Comments through art is how I pay, dreams are rooted from pain I'm not in this for fame but to help my home, young sister alone. Single mama make it and meet artists driving beyond pop stars. So his son can eat speak
for the little ones bullets more abundant than books. You not just your looks. I walk the road last time with the sunlight and dark spaces. I love melanin faces. I want my people to win if I just do I admire how you heal, reflection of how I heal too. I sit with purple stars at night, journals to journeys. I wish positive mental minds, freedoms from the confines of judgment.
I wish you what I wish minds, eternal peace. Keep yourself at ease and just flow.
It's like so.
Donavan LeDean
It's like so.
In my opinion the greatest action cartoon in the world besides Spider-Man was the X-Men. And who was the most popular X-Men everybody couldn't wait to see? Yup Wolverine. That dude was mean with a growl that let you know he means business. With biceps bulging through his yellow X-Men uniform slash tights. But you might not want to tease him about it, cause he'll be like, you're talking to me? And within an instant, you'll be high telling it faster than a crackhead chasing a high.
But it wouldn't matter, cause he'll catch ya, and with his animatium claws, he can take on sentinels. He can take on Magneto's hitchmen, take on villains of all sorts, but he always felt he still came up short. But she could never really take on those anti-mutant groups with their picket signs. Designed to administer hate with words that hurts worse than a jab from Juggernaut. And had it not been for his fellow mutants, to offer him some encouragement, some motivation,
some sense of hope for a better future, he would have given up a long time ago. X-Men mansion in his room sit on his bed alone in the dark I wonder if he reflects and ask himself why people hate what they don't understand constantly being called a freak but he counter attack that notion by considering himself a hero but heroes are the ones that torment themselves the most and what's worse he can't remember his past. Sounds familiar.
But he built a false sense of pride for his animatium skeleton. His ability to rapidly heal, but his inability to die, takes him further away from his connection of the inhuman. Cause he's committed suicide every time the sun settled down for slumber. But he can only stare at the crimson red waltzing down his claws, cause, immediately, his wounds would close. The pain from his puncture is only temporary, but the pain of not knowing who he is feels like a shotgun blast to his soul. But I just want Wolverine to know I understand, and to tell him that sometimes
roses do grow in dark places, and that martyrs never ask to die for their purpose, but I know he prayed to die for not understanding his. But Wolverine, my brother, you're no different than us, hating what you don't understand, trying to figure out where you came from, but here with a purpose you're not sure of. And Wolverine, I know you're not sure if there's a God, cause you look at us and wonder if we're made in God's image. Whose image are mutants made?
I know you feel like a clock without a craftsman. So you curse us cause you feel that God showed us favor. But those people with those picket signs curse you. Cause you favor God. Cause even when you're disappointed in us, you protect us. You're invincible, indestructible, Wolverine if you only knew how much we want to be like you.
Because we do everything we can to figure out ways to live longer, to heal faster. It's our inability to understand that everything comes with a price. Every gift is not wrapped in a nice box with a ribbon. Sometimes they appear as animanium claws piercing through skin. A skull that can take a bullet and a soul without a clue of its origin. Ironically my friend, we're just like you.
Because you're confused on what to do. Questioning your existence. Confused of your purpose. Sometimes wanting to die. Never giving yourself a chance to see how great you can be.
Donavan LeDean
That sounds familiar. Here we go, here we go, next man up.
Turn your face from faking to the one who gives his grace. Slow your pace from racing, pump the brakes and show some faith. Rid your load of bags, it's not easy making space but that love is possibility and worthy of the chase
Donavan LeDean
and and worthy of the chase all right here we go all right here we go communicate is the name of this piece
Crisp and clean, I'ma let you check out the scene How my queen walked right out of my dreams Still it seems there was no in-between We fell in love, she had me high as a dove I must be blessed, there's no reason to stress I must confess, before her my life was a mess
I passed the test, now I had to really invest Nothing less, I would give the heart out my chest You know the rest, fertilizing eggs in her nest our family tree extended combinations of we unity for poisonous societies the antidote spirituality venomous darts they tried to keep us apart but we were smart africa surveils our hearts we played our parts compliments from the start no easy road you have to work to your old keep control a love like this is untold you never fold if you keep your heart on the
goal communicate if you want to get that date communicate not to make your partner alright communicate like every day to very first date
Donavan LeDean
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, of the body land. Keep doing the best you can. Never faced by no demands. Keep doing the best you can.
We need a leader, you with vision. Your paramount move the world. Impact the next generation of a young boy and a girl, the terror is on the rise Partisans, allies throughout the land We're in despair yet I'm on a peace mission Lending helping hands, I'm a novice in territory Accompanied by corruption, life, peace, joy Taking it one to greater depths
I'm taking on a fight, while I'm believing you lead the way Boosting humanity is on us for a brighter day
Donavan LeDean
Thrive Alright.
Donavan LeDean
Thank you for tuning in to the next man up, Poetry in Motion, I am Donovan Lee Dean. Before we dive into our second segment, I would like to prepare you, our listeners, with the first power message. It's a message about recognizing our day ones. You know the ones that rocked with you since day one. When they saw you at your lowest, trying to come up as you were perfecting the craft,
Donavan LeDean
because they believed in you and never looked for anything in return. They were just there for support, for love. All they wanted from you was for you to be the best version of you. Cause in their eyes, when you made it, they made it. They won.
Donavan LeDean
We thank you.
Donavan LeDean
Life is hard, I'm trying to find a way Try to cop a sake, I didn't do it yesterday I'm aching now, finally breaking down Living reserving days, is there a way? Living reserving days, ayy Go in with a fresh mind and a pure heart Mistakes were made, go in with a fresh start The interest is today, the uncertainty is tomorrow I live another day, that's success, time is borrowed
Carnage is on the record, another family in state grief Mics were cut off, skilled as in the C3, were able to speak For the crying girl and dying boy slain by assault styles Too many bullets to a bullet, pray for me As they attempt to fight for a law made for all As they attempt to prevent another body to fall History's a mic and yet in the midst of infamy
They're setting aside politics for human safety, making enemies Your vote can avoid the weight of tyranny Your vote can avoid the may be and put in what it gots to be Unprecedented as we witness the headlines of an indictment As the rich make more money on merch
Donavan LeDean
Posing as victims, inciting another riot Never quiet, the problems are live more foreigners are crowding US borders like refugees after Roe v. Wade reversed, more women are escaping rare slaves like refugees more protests in the streets like helpless police and dying need an open mind and clear views so that one day
Donavan LeDean
we'll miss universal healthcare, making headlines on CNN news bodies breaking down, veterans having days, it's terrible exhale, pray, wait for it. Peace never came, now beware of a mad force bound to take the republic. God bless us as we fight for peace on earth. As mankind kills one another, gain more tongues for drugs, for crops, for money, for clout.
Urgent message, human to human, heart to heart, change your route for a fresh start.
Donavan LeDean
I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready Let's get to it L.A. on the track Day, day
Donavan LeDean
Man, I had enough looking at these urban skies Polluted, congested, fed up with these urban vibes Life is temporary, it was cool for a short time Just need to leave the city, nothing's for a night ride I'm a good man, just need time to meditate I see the moon, let me ride out for the sake of a better fate
Donavan LeDean
Let me ride out, just need that ultimate raw sensation Cruising 80 down a lonely historic highway Straight through, no hesitation I'm feeling good now, the windows down Apply the smooth light strokes, apply cool night colors, apply the delicate layer with no rush It's detrimental to the soul to ride back on this night
Donavan LeDean
Chasing the moon, the horizon, shooting romantic backtracks I've been nullified, the mood's ruined by twilight But now no worries, see, there's a legacy between me and Mother Earth It's not riding along, the grooves, the curves, the stars, highlights, the beauty This place of worth to me Let me get back to the city, man, let me get back to the hustle, the bustle, the grind
Donavan LeDean
It's not a farewell to catch you later
The moon is rising
Donavan LeDean
We'll do this another time
Donavan LeDean
Yeah Well I better let you know That we're moving on That we're moving on Yeah
Yeah Voila
Donavan LeDean
Bob Dylan. Traveling down the dusty roads on my foreign object,
as I ride through town like a foreign object, just a good kid in a mad city with something to say, never dreaming about getting paid, just a little sunlight in the shade. So I play and I play and I play for hours, the spotlight at first made me feel like a coward until I suddenly got my power locked into something connected eyes, tummy rumbling, breath under control and suddenly I'm on the go collaborating stadiums, studios, sunglasses, Advil, meaningful conversations with people.
so real and then I couldn't sleep. I became addicted to the high life. The things that once bought me joy were bringing me to the dark places out of the spotlight. So I decided to protest and see if people really heard what I was creating. Jargon sentence is like it's a it's a and trying to release. Caught in the net of a fishman's weapons praise. The predator's
noticing that the science of human nature is irrelevant. Being conducted instead of wandering into the arms of a predator. Smelling of despair, looking for love and wanting to control times of pastures. In his mind simply a child that simply wanted to connect. Space beyond the planets is uncomfortable. Stars until they glow up inside of your face Like a black hole of absence existing Suddenly all you hear is silence
And if your corpse could talk, it would tell you it was sorry
Hmm, cue cards, cigarettes, charm, mystery Was the only way that I could pivot out of that hellish nightmare Which has become my prison So I live on hoping to go unnoticed, hoping to be the foreign object in other people's places. They made a movie about me. And they said I'm not there. And the reason I'm not there is
because I had no intimacy. I couldn't see into me. But now I've gone from nowhere to now here.
Donavan LeDean
Here we go, here we go, next man up!
Donavan LeDean
August, love poem.
Donavan LeDean
What if I bore you in the essence of my soul?
What if I laid bare the steps that make me whole? What if I told you this key was already inscribed? What scattered signs and silence left love in the fire? Void so deep, even poets can't describe. If I presented you with tear stained sheets and fractured dreams Hustles of my spirit with ripped seams
Would you find the time to reconstruct the parts of her? Or abandon them when this fight becomes key? I know my spirit speaks in cryptic tones My love can thrive in simplicity when it is carved in stone's eye And a being who finds solace in complexity Structuring stanzas of conflict with this mic next to me
Will rhyme rhythms of vulnerabilities dance While emotions echo in a timeless trance And light reflects these letters written in the sand Pinovine is more than mere ink It is the conductor of sacred spells Healing wounds in translation
Bridging gaps of understanding And revitalizing the clock stop in conversation But what if I surrender to the beacon of suppression Muzzled by the posed expression What if I gave up so much of my power that it made my pen What if I allowed your diminished lexicon to read through each layer of these songs I speak
And if your shallowness triumphed the core of my expression I would feel my essence fade into a raggedy depression As these sacred symbols sank like the petals of a rope Heartbreaks tied would slowly consume the greatest love story ever known See, I am a love poet My deepest verses stem from the shackles of love's bond.
Scoped and soliloquies only for them to be restrained by the ghosts that idle in my subconscious mind. I write from flames that burn without a spark, lighting passions and crowds culminated by fears in the dark. From fires that rage with no pending to ignite. Forging verses from the voices of angels of the night this double edge. Please the flames to watch creativity burn with all how easily a broken heart can make
this trajectory turn.
If the lights of this stage were bright enough to expose my scars, would you still applaud my pain and cower at the weight of my wars if I revealed the true torment of this money? Would you marvel at my imagery as crowds adore, providing ophacian to my symmetry, blind to demons at my core, would you still find my verses as
Would the reality that this love is healed by fear silence your praises forever? I beg, the weight of my soul to this pit, revealing the raw truth of a love poet's sin, loved by ace is no title, it's an ode that only the deepest of pain can inspire.
Donavan LeDean
On. I'm inspired. I'm inspired. I'm inspired.
Let's go! The government's going to shut down, I gotta find a new hustle for right now. No wellness, sex, no support banks, sitting through a place with minimal wage. Hope I'm not learning to force the bank to turn me down for a loan to China.
Donavan LeDean
Kind of profile, they got many, pressure for committing no crimes. More problems, I'm talking more blocks. Let them know, one solo message, time to solve. Talk, talk. The rich dude can barely pay his cardinal on light bills. But food prices were sky high In two weeks those food stamps won't be enough
Donavan LeDean
to get by Rookies leave a job cause they on strike Cause the pay is low, inflation spikes You got suicides, you got pill addiction You got more than with no remission Bullpup runs the top, more pop, give it to us It's a human issue, I'm tryin' to solve it Breach Bullpup runs the top, more pop, toss your
It's a human issue I'm just spilling my guts. I'm not playing to be all that, I'm just spilling my guts. Only when you pick up a couple nickels, you trying to get some change, walking through this life and your thoughts just trying to be the change because they'll be jealous of how you move. Colliding is what you'll do, stunting like a half beast in the shadow lands, colliding
with other crews. Trying to be famous knowing that it's devilish. You're being forced into the closing circles and you're being cornered like you're in a Royal Rumble and you are the main event Climbing to the top of the building trying to scaffold it, but there's nobody there. No cameras. No King Kong No planes, no white girls. No Benzel. It's just you waiting to drop off of it So live your best life a second chance might never come again
If you don't believe me just ask the other O'Hara's that was gone with the wind I'm ready for destruction. Been on my back so long that it's time to make something new get ugly and beautiful again. I'm ready for destruction. I'm ready for destruction.
I'm ready for destruction.
Donavan LeDean
once more with the final power message. It's a message about love over money. Get to know more of the person, not their bank account. In conversation, get to know more of each other and less of what they possess. Money has its value, but ask yourself, are you actually happy or are you more possessed with If so, make sure it's not at the expense of a person that actually loves you for you unconditionally. Keep it 100.
Donavan LeDean
Thank you for tuning in to Next Man Up. Poetry in Motion. I am Donovan Lee D. This music poetry show has been brought to you by ASJE Productions. ASJE Productions on Instagram or you can call Stuart J. Elsey at 810-336-3926. Thanks for tuning in to Next Man Up poetry motion I am Donovan Lee Dean.
Donavan LeDean
To see my inspirational and poetry reels you can find my poetry books, children's books, and coloring books on Amazon under my name Donovan L. Dean. I am Donovan L. Dean, actor, author, and rhythmic poet.
Donavan LeDean
Until next time, peace.
Donavan LeDean
Donavan LeDean
Alright. Alright. Thank you.
Transcribed with Cockatoo
